Monday, 29 October 2012

||| VuHelp4U ||| The Most Important Guidelines for Newly Students of Virtual University of Pakistan

The Most Important Guidelines for Newly Students of Virtual University of Pakistan

VULMS: Virtual University Leaning Management System

Visit daily your VULMS for checking latest on lectures and opening of any new assignment/ GDB/Online Quiz etc. Also see announcements, and see you profile, fee and other important issues there.

MDB: Moderated Discussion Board

Ask questions from your instructors and get answers. Please be respectful in choosing your words to the teacher. Be concise and to the point.

GDB: Graded Discussion Board

This is used for the test through discussion on a specific topic by the instructor/ teacher. It's graded and must be answered in given time. Answer must be as per the prescribed rules to the instructor. Never just copy and paste from any source. It can earn you and the originator both Zero marks for forgery. So just take the idea for your GDB from  & make in your own words that will be best for you otherwise you will be get the zero marks & the sharing person also. So always try to just take the Idea & make in your own words.

VU Online Quiz:


It's the most important activity. All subjects will have mostly 4 quizzes in total, 1-2 before and rest after Mid Term. It's graded and you have specific time to answer the questions. Here some help is also rendered by us on, where all the students are coping the online Quiz during taking the quiz & paste the quiz in word file , then share on that help to the other students. So all of your requested specially copy the your online quiz & share on




 These are also graded but some time they are non-graded. None graded May/ or may not be submitted. But graded must be submitted in time. Never just copy and paste from any source. It can earn you and the originator both Zero marks for forgery. So just take the idea for your assignment from & make in your own words that will be best for you otherwise you will be get the zero marks & the sharing person also. So always try to just take the Idea & make in your own words.

Submit Fee

Please submit your fee in time. Nonpayment in time would cause extra amount and also freeze of VULMS which also put you in problems as missing some of the assignments/ GDBs/ Quiz etc, thus you face the music.

Profile Update:

Please do update profile like address and contact number etc.

Now the Study it Self:

Well you all must have your books, with you. In CS101, Learn HTML, JAVA, etc, it's important for all students. This will be required till final exams too. Rest all is easy and you all can do it...

Style of Papers:

Please remember that here almost 75 % papers is composed of MCQs and rest based on short and long questions. So remember that Mid/Final Term Papers are almost on similar lines.

Taking lectures:

Each lecture is over 55 mins, and if you have time then you must study through it, or at least listen/ watch some of these which you find difficult.

The study Plan:

One requires average 30 mins time to completely study one simple lecture, or max 40-45 mins. So read and high light important lines as they come in MCQs.

Overall, the study is not difficult. Please go through all handouts carefully. All questions come from the same.

We hope this help all students to feel relax and make their study plans.

For Assignment Solution, GDB, Online Quizzes, Helping Study material, Past Solved Papers, Current Papers, E-Books & more join us at




If you have any quires than you contact us at any time.




Regards and Thanks

Virtualians Team

If you like above information then we invite you to join us at for more information and help.It is a Leading Students Social Network  in World of Education, Entertainment and information sharing for Virtual University of Pakistan.

By joining,  you'll be able to get study help in ASSIGNMENT, GDB, QUIZ, PROJECTS and PAPERS. It is helpful to get good marks in your result from virtual university.

There is a great chat room you can easily chat with VU fellows  for study discussion and also share your views on

Thanks and Regards team

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